Administrative Fees for 2025: Invoices Have Been Emailed

Invoices for 2025 NMAPC Administrative Fees were emailed to all NMAPC signatory contractors.

***All administrative fee payments due on January 31, 2025***

Fees can be paid by credit card. To pay with a credit card, log onto and click on the "Invoices" link.

Credit card payments for Administrative Fees will include a 3% surcharge to cover processing.

To pay by check, make checks payable to "NMAPC" and mail them to our NEW Check banking address: NMAPC, PO Box 791821, Baltimore MD, 21279-1821.

Fees can now be paid by ACH by directly logging onto  Don’t forget, to complete an ACH payment you must select the ‘Click to Pay’ button that will appear after you verify your ACH info.

Please email or call (703) 841-9707 if you need your username and password.

If you wish to terminate participation in one or more of the agreements, you must do so online by logging onto and selecting the "Terminate NMA" link, located under each Agreement (SA#) you wish to terminate. If you do not terminate your National Maintenance Agreement(s), your company will continue to incur administrative fees and a 10% monthly late fee.

Contractors will not be able to file Site Extension Requests after January 31 if their administrative fees have not been paid in full.

Users should check their junk/spam e-mail folder, if you don’t see the invoice e-mail titled “Your NMAPC Invoice is Ready!” emailed on 12/23/2024, then simply log onto to view and pay the invoice.

If you have any questions, please contact Mel Jones at (703) 841-9707 x 110, or Ben Cahoon at (703) 841-9707 x118 or email

December 23, 2024

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